Results for 'Christopher Domínguez Michael'

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  1.  46
    Boolean Difference-Making: A Modern Regularity Theory of Causation.Christoph Falk & Michael Baumgartner - 2023 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 74 (1):171-197.
    A regularity theory of causation analyses type-level causation in terms of Boolean difference-making. The essential ingredient that helps this theoretical framework overcome the problems of Hume’s and Mill’s classical accounts is a principle of non-redundancy: only Boolean dependency structures from which no elements can be eliminated track causation. The first part of this article argues that the recent regularity-theoretic literature has not consistently implemented this principle, for it disregarded an important type of redundancies: structural redundancies. Moreover, it is shown that (...)
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  2. Hegels Erbe—eine Einleitung.Christoph Halbig, Michael Quante & Ludwig Siep - 2004 - In Christoph Halbig, Michael Quante & Ludwig Siep, Hegels Erbe. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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  3. Meaningful Work: Connecting Business Ethics and Organization Studies.Christopher Michaelson, Michael G. Pratt, Adam M. Grant & Craig P. Dunn - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 121 (1):77-90.
    In the human quest for meaning, work occupies a central position. Most adults spend the majority of their waking hours at work, which often serves as a primary source of purpose, belongingness, and identity. In light of these benefits to employees and their organizations, organizational scholars are increasingly interested in understanding the factors that contribute to meaningful work, such as the design of jobs, interpersonal relationships, and organizational missions and cultures. In a separate line of inquiry, scholars of business ethics (...)
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    Who Authored On Liberty? Stylometric Evidence on Harriet Taylor Mill's Contribution.Christoph Schmidt-Petri, Michael Schefczyk & Lilly Osburg - 2022 - Utilitas 34 (2):120-138.
    It is well known that John Stuart Mill repeatedly acknowledges Harriet Taylor Mill's substantial contribution to On Liberty. After her death, however, he decides to publish the book under his name only. Are we justified in continuing this practice, initiated by JSM, of refusing unequivocal co-authorship status to HTM? Drawing on stylometric analyses, we make a preliminary case that JSM did not write On Liberty all by himself and that HTM had a hand in formulating it. Drawing on plausible standards (...)
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    Leadership in an Egalitarian Society.Christopher von Rueden, Michael Gurven, Hillard Kaplan & Jonathan Stieglitz - 2014 - Human Nature 25 (4):538-566.
    Leadership is instrumental to resolution of collective action dilemmas, particularly in large, heterogeneous groups. Less is known about the characteristics or effectiveness of leadership in small-scale, homogeneous, and relatively egalitarian societies, in which humans have spent most of our existence. Among Tsimane’ forager-horticulturalists of Bolivia, we (1) assess traits of elected leaders under experimental and naturalistic conditions and (2) test whether leaders impact or differentially benefit from collective action outcomes. We find that elected leaders are physically strong and have more (...)
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  6.  21
    Polis: Escalar de la deliberación mediante el mapeo de espacios de opinión de alta dimensión.Christopher Small, Michael Bjorkegren, Timo Erkkilä, Lynette Shaw & Colin Megill - 2021 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 26 (2).
    Deliberative and participatory approaches to democracy seek to directly include citizens in decision-making and agenda-setting processes. These methods date back to the very foundations of democracy in Athens, where regular citizens shared the burden of governance and deliberated every major issue. However, thinkers at the time rightly believed that these methods could not function beyond the scale of the city-state, or polis. Representative democracy as an innovation improved on the scalability of collective decision making, but in doing so, sacrificed the (...)
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  7. Hegels Erbe.Christoph Halbig, Michael Quante & Ludwig Siep - 2005 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 67 (2):391-391.
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  8.  17
    Non-Representational Models and Objectual Understanding.Christopher Pincock & Michael Poznic - 2024 - Erkenntnis:1-22.
    This paper argues that investigations into how to best make something often provide researchers with an objectual understanding of their target phenomena. This argument starts with an extended investigation into the non-representational uses of models. In particular, we identify a special sort of “design model” whose aim is to guide the production of phenomena. Clarifying how these design models are evaluated shows that they are evaluated in different ways than representational models. Once the character of design models has been fixed, (...)
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  9.  20
    Hegels Erbe.Christoph Halbig, Michael Quante & Ludwig Siep (eds.) - 2004 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
    Klappentext: Hegels theoretische Philosophie erlebt gegenwärtig eine Renaissance: Galt sie lange und gerade in der Analytischen Philosophie als bestenfalls von historischem Interesse, finden sich Hegelsche Argumente nun im Zentrum systematischer Debatten auf dem Gebiet der Ontologie, Semantik, Epistemologie und der Philosophie des Mentalen wieder. Philosophen wie etwa Robert B. Random und John McDowell berufen sich auf Hegel als zentrale Inspirationsquelle. Dabei ergeben sich in bezug auf die Deutung von Hegels System fur die Hegel-Forschung überraschende neue Perspektiven und Fragestellungen. Dieser Band (...)
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  10.  44
    Novel peripheral mechanisms of opioid analgesia.Christoph Stein & Michael Schäfer - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (3):465-466.
    dickenson briefly mentions that peripheral opioid receptors somehow become active following inflammation and that the appearance of endogenous opioid peptides at the injury site may be related to immune cell proliferation. Recent findings elucidate the underlying mechanisms in more detail and provide an incentive for the development of a novel generation of analgesics devoid of typical central opioid side effects.
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  11.  22
    Multi-modal Mapping of the Face Selective Ventral Temporal Cortex–A Group Study With Clinical Implications for ECS, ECoG, and fMRI.Takahiro Sanada, Christoph Kapeller, Michael Jordan, Johannes Grünwald, Takumi Mitsuhashi, Hiroshi Ogawa, Ryogo Anei & Christoph Guger - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Face recognition is impaired in patients with prosopagnosia, which may occur as a side effect of neurosurgical procedures. Face selective regions on the ventral temporal cortex have been localized with electrical cortical stimulation, electrocorticography, and functional magnetic resonance imagining. This is the first group study using within-patient comparisons to validate face selective regions mapping, utilizing the aforementioned modalities. Five patients underwent surgical treatment of intractable epilepsy and joined the study. Subdural grid electrodes were implanted on their ventral temporal cortices to (...)
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  12.  13
    Vienna lectures on legal philosophy.Christoph Bezemek, Michael Potacs & Alexander Somek (eds.) - 2018 - New York: Hart.
    volume 1: Legal positivism, institutionalism and globalisation -- volume 2: Normativism and anti-normativism in law.
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  13. A Formal Foundation for Process Modeling.Christopher Menzel & Michael Grüninger - 2001 - In Barry Smith & Christopher Welty, Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS). ACM Press.
    Process modeling is ubiquitous in business and industry. While a great deal of effort has been devoted to the formal and philosophical investigation of processes, surprisingly little research connects this work to real world process modeling. The purpose of this paper is to begin making such a connection. To do so, we first develop a simple mathematical model of activities and their instances based upon the model theory for the NIST Process Specification Language (PSL), a simple language for describing these (...)
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    Communities at Work? The Concept of ‘Community’ in Organisational Analysis.Christopher Bennett, Michael Bennett & Stephen Bennett - 2005 - Philosophy of Management 5 (3):31-41.
    In this paper we assess the adequacy of the idea of community as an ideal-typical model against which real organisations and their management might be critically evaluated. Alasdair MacIntyre’s work on practices suggests that some forms of work activity require something more than contractual relationships within organisations: if he is right then perhaps we should acknowledge the importance of some notion of community at work. However, among the criticisms of the community approach are that it ignores issues of power and (...)
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  15.  12
    The Deconstructive Turn (Routledge Revivals): Essays in the Rhetoric of Philosophy.Christopher Norris & Michael Ryan - 1983 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 19 (3):201-204.
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  16.  13
    Stiegler and Technics.Gerald Moore, Christopher Johnson, Michael Lewis, Ian James, Serge Trottein & Patrick Crogan - 2013 - Critical Connections.
    These 17 essays covers all aspects of Bernard Stiegler's work, from poststructuralism, anthropology and psychoanalysis to his work on the politics of memory, 'libidinal economy', technoscience and aesthetics, keeping a focus on his key theory of technics throughout. Stiegler brings together key concepts from Plato, Freud, Derrida and Simondon to argue that the human is 'invented' through technics rather than a product of purely biological evolution. Stiegler is a thinker at the forefront of our contemporary concerns with consumerism, technology, inter-generational (...)
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  17.  4
    The Pyrgic Puzzler.Christopher Maslanka & Michael Harrington - 1987 - Kingswood Books.
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  18.  14
    Institutional Logics in the UK Construction Industry’s Response to Modern Slavery Risk: Complementarity and Conflict.Christopher Pesterfield & Michael Rogerson - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 191 (1):59-75.
    There is a growing understanding that modern slavery is a phenomenon ‘hidden in plain sight’ in the home countries of multinational firms. Yet, business scholarship on modern slavery has so far focussed on product supply chains. To address this, we direct attention to the various institutional pressures on the UK construction industry, and managers of firms within it, around modern slavery risk for on-site labour. Based on a unique data set of 30 in-depth interviews with construction firm managers and directors, (...)
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  19.  37
    Assessing Team Effectiveness by How Players Structure Their Search in a First‐Person Multiplayer Video Game.Patrick Nalepka, Matthew Prants, Hamish Stening, James Simpson, Rachel W. Kallen, Mark Dras, Erik D. Reichle, Simon G. Hosking, Christopher Best & Michael J. Richardson - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (10):e13204.
    Cognitive Science, Volume 46, Issue 10, October 2022.
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  20. Metacognitive deficits in categorization tasks in a population with impaired inner speech.Peter Langland-Hassan, Christopher Gauker, Michael J. Richardson, Aimee Deitz & Frank F. Faries - 2017 - Acta Psychologica 181:62-74.
    This study examines the relation of language use to a person’s ability to perform categorization tasks and to assess their own abilities in those categorization tasks. A silent rhyming task was used to confirm that a group of people with post-stroke aphasia (PWA) had corresponding covert language production (or “inner speech”) impairments. The performance of the PWA was then compared to that of age- and education-matched healthy controls on three kinds of categorization tasks and on metacognitive self-assessments of their performance (...)
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  21.  32
    Ethical Considerations Regarding Disclosure of Off-Label Drug and Device Use as a Component of Informed Consent in a Resident Training Program.Jordan Fakhoury, Adam Bitterman, Christopher Healy, Michael Grosso & James Gurtowski - 2016 - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 7 (1-2):1-10.
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  22. Der „kontrollierte individuelle Heilversuch“ als neues Instrument bei der klinischen Erstanwendung risikoreicher Therapieformen – Ethische Analyse einer somatischen Gentherapie für das Wiskott-Aldrich-Syndrom.Thomas Heinemann, Bert Heinrichs, Christoph Klein, Michael Fuchs & Dietmar Hübner - 2006 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 11 (1):153-199.
    Das Wiskott-Aldrich-Syndrom (WAS), ein genetisch bedingter Immundefekt mit klinischer Manifestation im Kleinkindalter, wird voraussichtlich in näherer Zukunft erstmals versuchsweise durch eine somatische Gentherapie behandelt werden. Im vor- liegenden Beitrag werden die wichtigsten medizinisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Fakten dieses Krankheitsbildes sowie die bisherigen Erfahrungen mit somatischen Gentherapien bei anderen Immunmangelsyndromen ausführlich dargestellt. Sodann erfolgt eine ethische Analyse eines möglichen gentherapeutischen Eingriffs bei WAS-Patienten, bei der die spezifischen Aspekte des Wiskott-Aldrich-Syndroms – insbesondere die fast ausschließliche Betroffenheit von Kindern sowie die unterschiedlich aussichtsreiche Alter- nativoption einer (...)
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    Biocomplexity in the big thicket.J. Baird Callicott, Miguel Acevedo, Pete Gunter, Paul Harcombe, Christopher Lindquist & Michael Monticino1 - 2006 - Ethics, Place and Environment 9 (1):21 – 45.
    The Big Thicket is an ill-defined region of southeast Texas on the coastal plain of the Gulf of Mexico between the Trinity and Sabine rivers, not far from Houston. Because the biological-diversity...
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  24.  13
    Behavioral Responses to Uncertainty in Weight-Restored Anorexia Nervosa – Preliminary Results.Mayron Piccolo, Gabriella Franca Milos, Sena Bluemel, Sonja Schumacher, Christoph Mueller-Pfeiffer, Michael Fried, Monique Ernst & Chantal Martin-Soelch - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    German Philosophers: Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche.Roger Scruton, Peter Singer, Christopher Janaway & Michael Tanner - 1997 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    German Philosophers contains studies of four of the most important German theorists: Kant, arguably the most influential modern philosopher; Hegel, whose philosophy inspired an enduring vision of a communist society; Schopenhauer, renowned for his pessimistic preference for non-existence; and Nietzsche, who has been appropriated as an icon by an astonishingly diverse spectrum of people.
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    Philosophy of education in a new key.Michael A. Peters, Sonja Arndt, Marek Tesar, Liz Jackson, Ruyu Hung, Carl Mika, Janis T. Ozolins, Christoph Teschers, Janet Orchard, Rachel Buchanan, Andrew Madjar, Rene Novak, Tina Besley, Sean Sturm Reviewer), Peter Roberts Reviewer) & Andrew Gibbons Reviewer) - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (8):1061-1082.
    Michael Peters, Sonja Arndt & Marek TesarThis is a collective writing experiment of PESA members, including its Executive Committee, asking questions of the Philosophy of Education in a New Key. Co...
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  27. Ethics of instantaneous contact tracing using mobile phone apps in the control of the COVID-19 pandemic.Michael J. Parker, Christophe Fraser, Lucie Abeler-Dörner & David Bonsall - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (7):427-431.
    In this paper we discuss ethical implications of the use of mobile phone apps in the control of the COVID-19 pandemic. Contact tracing is a well-established feature of public health practice during infectious disease outbreaks and epidemics. However, the high proportion of pre-symptomatic transmission in COVID-19 means that standard contact tracing methods are too slow to stop the progression of infection through the population. To address this problem, many countries around the world have deployed or are developing mobile phone apps (...)
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  28. (2 other versions)Responsibility for climate justice: Political not moral.Michael Christopher Sardo - 2020 - Sage Publications: European Journal of Political Theory 22 (1):26-50.
    European Journal of Political Theory, Ahead of Print. How should responsibility be theorized in the context of the global climate crisis? This question is often framed through the language of distributive justice. Because of the inequitable distribution of historical emissions, climate vulnerability, and adaptation capacity, such considerations are necessary, but do not exhaust the question of responsibility. This article argues that climate change is a structural injustice demanding a theory of political responsibility. Agents bear responsibility not in virtue of their (...)
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  29.  58
    Errors in completion of referrals among older urban adults in ambulatory care.Michael Weiner, Anthony J. Perkins & Christopher M. Callahan - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (1):76-81.
  30.  15
    Enhancing Ethical Reflection of Managers Through Andragogy and Socratic Approaches: A Multi-University Comparison.Michael Segon, Christopher Booth, Jeremy Pearce & Firew Beshah - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 19:5-34.
    There have long been debates about the teaching of business ethics. Should business ethics be taught like functional business courses like marketing, law and strategy using behaviourist or teacher centred models in business courses? Or should adult learning methodologies adopt Socratic method with reflective practice as a means of promoting ethical self-awareness and enhancing personal development in meta-cognition and learning? This paper canvases literature pertaining to how business ethics and fields such as CSR should be taught. It outlines the methodological (...)
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  31.  71
    St. Thomas and the Naturalistic Fallacy.Michael Augros & Christopher Oleson - 2013 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 13 (4):637-661.
    Certain scholars wish to acquit St. Thomas Aquinas of the “illicit inference from facts to norms” commonly referred to as the naturalistic fallacy. Seeing in certain passages his awareness of illegitimate ways to derive morality from natural ends, many have come to read Aquinas as agreeing with the view that knowledge of the moral order does not derive from knowledge of human nature and of the natural ends of its parts and powers. This paper aims to expose the deficiencies of (...)
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  32.  34
    A family of closely related ATP‐binding subunits from prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.Christopher F. Higgins, Maurice P. Gallagher, Michael L. Mimmack & Stephen R. Pearce - 1988 - Bioessays 8 (4):111-116.
    A large number of cellular proteins bind ATP, frequently utilizing the free energy of ATP hydrolysis to drive specific biological reactions. Recently, a family of closely related ATP‐binding proteins has been identified, the members of which share considerable sequence identity. These proteins, from both prokaryotic and eukaryotic sources, presumably had a common evolutionary origin and include the product of the white locus of Drosophila, the P‐glycoprotein which confers multidrug resistance on mammalian tumours, and prokaryotic proteins associated with such diverse processes (...)
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  33. Inner leadership: A social cognitive-based approach toward enhanced ethical decision making.Michael G. Goldsby, Christopher P. Neck & Virginia W. Gerde - 1998 - Teaching Business Ethics 2 (3):229-247.
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  34.  19
    The Impact of Global Budgets on Pharmaceutical Spending and Utilization.Christopher C. Afendulis, A. Mark Fendrick, Zirui Song, Bruce E. Landon, Dana Gelb Safran, Robert E. Mechanic & Michael E. Chernew - 2014 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 51:004695801455871.
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  35. A dilemma for the knowledge despite falsehood strategy.Christopher Buford & Christopher Michael Cloos - 2018 - Episteme 15 (2):166-182.
    One strategy for dealing with apparent cases of knowledge from falsehood is to deny that the knowledge actually is from a falsehood. Those endorsing such a move have suggested that cases of knowledge from falsehood are instead cases of knowledge despite falsehood. We here provide a dilemma for those wanting to reject the possibility of knowledge from falsehood. The dilemma is explained in part by examining recent attempts to deny that knowledge can be inferentially derived from falsehood.
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  36.  67
    An exploratory study of therapeutic misconception among incarcerated clinical trial participants.Paul P. Christopher, Michael D. Stein, Sandra A. Springer, Josiah D. Rich, Jennifer E. Johnson & Charles W. Lidz - 2016 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 7 (1):24-30.
    Background: Therapeutic misconception, the misunderstanding of differences between research and clinical care, is widely prevalent among non-incarcerated trial participants. However, little attention has been paid to its presence among individuals who participate in research while incarcerated. Methods: This study examined the extent to which 72 incarcerated individuals may experience therapeutic misconception about their participation in one of six clinical trials, and its correlation with participant characteristics and potential influences on research participation. Results: On average, participants endorsed 70% of items suggestive (...)
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  37.  8
    Der Endzweck der Schöpfung: zu den Schlussparagraphen ([Paragraphen] 84-91) in Kants Kritik der Urteilskraft.Michael Hofer, Christopher Meiller, Hans Schelkshorn, Kurt Appel & Rudolf Langthaler (eds.) - 2013 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
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  38.  14
    House Committee on Ethics: Motivating Factors for Members of Congress.Michael J. Gordon & Christopher Stream - 2023 - Lexington Books.
    The authors examine the internal and external motivating factors behind the actions of the House Committee on Ethics members by looking at the procedural efficiency of the Committee on Ethics (or lack thereof), as a natural consequence of the committee members' implicit public policy actions.
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  39.  82
    Boolean Difference-Making: A Modern Regularity Theory of Causation.Michael Baumgartner & Christoph Falk - unknown - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science:axz047.
    A regularity theory of causation analyses type-level causation in terms of Boolean difference-making. The essential ingredient that helps this theoretical framework overcome the problems of Hume’s and Mill’s classical accounts is a principle of non-redundancy: only Boolean dependency structures from which no elements can be eliminated track causation. The first part of this paper argues that the recent regularity theoretic literature has not consistently implemented this principle, for it disregarded an important type of redundancies: structural redundancies. Moreover, it is shown (...)
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  40. Responsibilist Evidentialism.Christopher Michael Cloos - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (11):2999-3016.
    When is a person justified in believing a proposition? In this paper, I defend a view according to which a person is justified in believing a proposition just in case the person’s evidence sufficiently supports the proposition and the person responsibly acquired and sustained the evidence that supports the proposition. This view overcomes a deficiency in a prominent theory of epistemic justification. As championed by Earl Conee and Richard Feldman, Evidentialism is a theory subject to counterexamples at the hands of (...)
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  41.  80
    Bribery in International Business Transactions.Christopher Baughn, Nancy L. Bodie, Mark A. Buchanan & Michael B. Bixby - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (1):15-32.
    Globalization leads to cross-border business transactions between societies with very different norms and regulations regarding bribery. Bribery in international business transactions can be seen as a function of not only the demand for such bribes in different countries, but the supply, or willingness to provide bribes by multinational firms and their representatives. This study addresses the propensity of firms from 30 different countries to engage in international bribery. The study incorporates both domestic (economic development, culture, and domestic corruption in the (...)
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  42.  16
    Herder-Luther: das Erbe der Reformation in der Weimarer Klassik.Michael Maurer & Christopher Spehr (eds.) - 2019 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Wissenschaftler verschiedener Fachrichtungen (Theologen, Historiker, Padagogen, Literaturwissenschaftler und Musikwissenschaftler) haben sich 2017 mit der Frage befasst, wie weit Johann Gottfried Herder (1744-1803) durch eine Interpretation seiner Position in Weimar als Superintendent besser verstanden werden konnte, arbeitend unter dem Bilde Luthers, sich diesem lebenslang verpflichtet fuhlend auch als Aufklarer. Kann man den "Theologen unter den Klassikern" aus dem Geflecht der Beziehungen zu Goethe, Schiller und Wieland losen, aus seinen Beziehungen zum Hof, zur Stadt, zur Schule in Weimar? Andererseits lebte er autonom (...)
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  43.  49
    Ethical regulations on robotics in Europe.Michael Nagenborg, Rafael Capurro, Jutta Weber & Christoph Pingel - 2008 - AI and Society 22 (3):349-366.
    There are only a few ethical regulations that deal explicitly with robots, in contrast to a vast number of regulations, which may be applied. We will focus on ethical issues with regard to “responsibility and autonomous robots”, “machines as a replacement for humans”, and “tele-presence”. Furthermore we will examine examples from special fields of application (medicine and healthcare, armed forces, and entertainment). We do not claim to present a complete list of ethical issue nor of regulations in the field of (...)
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  44.  19
    Secondary research use of personal medical data: patient attitudes towards data donation.Michael Krawczak, Matthias Laudes, Bimba Franziska Hoyer, Christoph Borzikowsky & Gesine Richter - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-10.
    BackgroundThe SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has highlighted once more the great need for comprehensive access to, and uncomplicated use of, pre-existing patient data for medical research. Enabling secondary research-use of patient-data is a prerequisite for the efficient and sustainable promotion of translation and personalisation in medicine, and for the advancement of public-health. However, balancing the legitimate interests of scientists in broad and unrestricted data-access and the demand for individual autonomy, privacy and social justice is a great challenge for patient-based medical research.MethodsWe therefore (...)
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    Michael H. Robins, 1941-2002.Michael Bradie, David Copp & Christopher Morris - 2003 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 76 (5):167 - 168.
    This is an obituary for Michael H. Robins.
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  46. The Process Specification Language: Theory and Applications.Michael Grüninger & Christopher Menzel - 2003 - AI Magazine 24 (3):63-74.
    The Process Specification Language (PSL) has been designed to facilitate correct and complete exchange of process information among manufacturing systems, such as scheduling, process modeling, process planning, production planning, simulation, project management, work flow, and business process reengineering. We given an overview of the theories with the PSL ontology, discuss some of the design principles for the ontology, and finish with examples of process specifications that are based on the ontology.
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  47. A Bioeconomic Approach to Marriage and the Sexual Division of Labor.Michael Gurven, Jeffrey Winking, Hillard Kaplan, Christopher von Rueden & Lisa McAllister - 2009 - Human Nature 20 (2):151-183.
    Children may be viewed as public goods whereby both parents receive equal genetic benefits yet one parent often invests more heavily than the other. We introduce a microeconomic framework for understanding household investment decisions to address questions concerning conflicts of interest over types and amount of work effort among married men and women. Although gains and costs of marriage may not be spread equally among marriage partners, marriage is still a favorable, efficient outcome under a wide range of conditions. This (...)
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  48.  79
    Design, Development, and Evaluation of a Second Generation Interactive Simulator for Engineering Ethics Education (SEEE2).Michael Alfred & Christopher A. Chung - 2012 - Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (4):689-697.
    This paper describes a second generation Simulator for Engineering Ethics Education. Details describing the first generation activities of this overall effort are published in Chung and Alfred (Sci Eng Ethics 15:189–199, 2009). The second generation research effort represents a major development in the interactive simulator educational approach. As with the first generation effort, the simulator places students in first person perspective scenarios involving different types of ethical situations. Students must still gather data, assess the situation, and make decisions. The approach (...)
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    Considering Whether the Dismissal of Vaccine-Refusing Families Is Fair to Other Clinicians.Michael J. Deem, Mark Christopher Navin & John D. Lantos - 2018 - JAMA Pediatrics 172 (6):515-516.
    A recent American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) clinical report states that it is an acceptable option for pediatric care clinicians to dismiss families who refuse vaccines. This is a clear shift in guidance from the AAP, which previously advised clinicians to “endeavor not to discharge” patients solely because of parental vaccine refusal. While this new policy might be interpreted as encouraging or recommending dismissal of vaccine-refusing families, it instead expresses tolerance for diverse professional approaches. This is unlike the earlier guidance, (...)
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    Design, development, and evaluation of an interactive simulator for engineering ethics education (seee).Christopher A. Chung & Michael Alfred - 2009 - Science and Engineering Ethics 15 (2):189-199.
    Societal pressures, accreditation organizations, and licensing agencies are emphasizing the importance of ethics in the engineering curriculum. Traditionally, this subject has been taught using dogma, heuristics, and case study approaches. Most recently a number of organizations have sought to increase the utility of these approaches by utilizing the Internet. Resources from these organizations include on-line courses and tests, videos, and DVDs. While these individual approaches provide a foundation on which to base engineering ethics, they may be limited in developing a (...)
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